Gravity product update January 2025

Gravity News Gravity
Gravity product update january 2025
Julien Botella

Julien Botella

Published on 23.01.25

Hello ! ❄️ Winter has settled in, and we’re excited to introduce the latest updates to Gravity! Over the past months, we’ve continued to listen closely to your feedback to make Gravity even better at helping you bridge the gap between real-world usage and test coverage. This update brings enhancements to help you manage your Gravity projects, dive deeper into user behavior insights, gain even more clarity on test coverage, and ensure that your testing efforts focus on what truly matters. Stay tuned to discover how these new features can elevate your testing strategy and improve your confidence in production quality!

Project Administration: Better Collaboration, More Control

Managing your team just got easier! With the new Project Administration features, you can now invite team members directly into your projects and assign administrator roles to streamline collaboration and ensure proper oversight. Empower your team with the right access levels and keep your projects organized and secure from the start.

Source’s definition: Setup data inputs seamlessly

Defining your data sources is the foundation of effective test coverage, and we’ve made it easier than ever. You can now quickly set up and define the sources that feed user production data and test data into Gravity.

Scopes Definition: Organize and share Your Key Datasets

Say hello to scopes definition, a new way to create, name, and share datasets with your team. Define the production and test datasets you need to focus on and compare, and make them accessible for everyone on your team. Scopes help your team stay aligned and efficient.

Once defined, any team member can use a scope to start an analysis.

Test Suites: Build the Tests You Actually Need

Stop wasting time guessing which tests are missing. With the new Test Suites feature, Gravity highlights gaps in your test coverage and helps you prioritize what’s missing for your next iteration. Once identified, you can export the missing test skeletons for faster automation or manual test creation, ensuring that your testing efforts stay aligned with real-world usage.

See you soon on Gravity?

Stay tuned, on the basis of those new features, we will continue to offer capabilities to help you better than ever to decide what you need to test! It remains for me to wish you a very pleasant new year, hoping to see you soon on Gravity.

Want to see Gravity in action? Want to start using it on your project? Please ask for a demo!

Stay tuned!

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